You can receive the full benefit of Onye’s spiritual gifts in person
or via video or phone worldwide. Social Distancing safety protocols are in place for indoor and outdoor sessions.
Spiritual Revelations, Counseling and
Divine Healing
Consultation For Businesses and Professionals
Home and Business Energy Clearing

What Makes Onye Unique?
If you’re ready for miraculous results, Onye Onyemaechi is your miracle-maker through the Grace of God. He is a potent, practical, modern-day Christian mystic with a highly developed prayer life. Imagine someone who is part prayer warrior, part African shaman, part old-time prophet, and one heck of an African drummer and dancer…that’s Onye. As gifted as he is, he is loving, approachable, and laughs easily. And he gets the job done!
In fact, Onye’s clients will tell you story after story about how their bodies, relationships, or situations were transformed after seeking Onye’s help. That’s because Onye has a well-established connection straight to the source of miracles: The Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit who has endowed Onye with the gift of prophecy. Don’t mistake prophecy for fortune-telling: Onye will not tell you your future. Rather, he will reveal the truth he sees in his visions, which clarify for him relevant information about your current and past lives, and about others who affect you. The intelligence Onye gathers during his Spirit-immersion journeys will provide you with the clarity you need to make the most self-loving choices for yourself.
What Can You Expect from a Session with Onye?
Each session is necessarily different. But the end result is the same: All clients who are open to a deeper understanding and purpose come away from the session with much more clarity and understanding about what has happened in their life, and what their next best step is.
Spiritual Counseling
During the session, Onye shares wisdom and guidance from the Holy Spirit. The information is meant to help foster personal growth, and provide profound clarity and insights. Through the balm of Grace, such counsel can relieve the deepest hurts, profound grief, and/or emotional or spiritual anguish.

What Happens During the Session?
During the session, clients may experience feelings that are trying to complete their energetic cycle. This may create temporary tingling, unusual body sensations, or feelings of relief. Once the movement of energy completes itself, as a result of the session, clients often experience a deep sense of quiet, contentedness, and a more profound sense of spiritual connection. Some feel joy, and some laugh with delight, sensing that balance has been restored, and they can once again feel “at home” in their souls and bodies.

What Happens After a Session?
Clients may experience everything from subtle to intense reactions, sadness or ultimate joy. These disturbances can give rise to quick-flash emotional flare-ups, over reactions, extreme sensitivity, or crying which may be appropriate response to the current situation. Once the energy is helped to come to completion however, these symptoms of stuck energy disappear, and individuals find it easier to respond to Life rather than react in a way colored by past experience.
What Happens After a Session?
Have no expectations. Practice being here now.
Pay attention to changes in your consciousness.
Re-enter into the world very quietly.
Be in nature or peaceful environment.
Eat light foods and celebrate.
Avoid phone calls, TV, News, Social media for 2 hours minimum.
Drink lots of water or take baths.
Try and relax for some hours, if possible.
Spend time with positive people.
Energy Clearing and Blessing
Onye’s Energy Clearing services can help business and homeowners acquire or sell real estate, land, and commercial building deals and employee engagements. He can also help clear stagnant energy from previous tenants or activities that cause business stagnation. He knows the specific rituals and spiritual powers needed to create breakthroughs and bring about ultimate success.
Intuitive Business Consulting
Now you can save your organization years of struggle by being aware of your obstacles, pitfalls and potentials in advance. This valuable information will put you light years ahead of your competition.
Onye Onyemaechi, MBA, reaches into the infinite well of intuitive wisdom to give you guidance on such subjects as: negotiations, new products and services, mergers, acquisitions and partnerships, competition, market trends, contracts, personnel problems, locations and building sites.
Workshops, Class Series or Groups and Special events.
Onye can create custom events for you, centered on the following topics:
- Miracles of Prayer, Meditation and Healing.
- Development of Extra-Sensory Perception.
- Healing and Empowerment with Drumming.
If you are a professional, influencer, business person and decision maker, Reiki practitioner, or psychotherapist and sense your client needs a profound insight and energy healing, consider referring your client to Onye.

Spiritual Revelations, Counseling and Personal Healing: Individual, Couples, Families and Group Sessions
House and Business Energy Clearing