Scheduling & Fees
• Spiritual Revelations & Healings are conducted by phone, Skype Video Conferencing or in person, normally for 90 minutes.
• Your complete investment for your personalized, transformative healing experience will be discussed after your first session.
• Your experience with Onye will give you profound clarity and insights before you decide to invest in more sessions to remove obstacles affecting your life.
• Services such as Energy Clearing & Blessings for Homes and Businesses, Intuitive Business Consulting and Ceremonies and Celebrations can be customized for you and will be priced based on time and travel.
About Spiritual Consulting
Spiritual consulting provides you with truth, wisdom and strength to fight against what’s not working in your life. It offers insights into life’s trials, relationships, career, success, spiritual growth, health and living with more joy. The depth of problems we face daily seems overwhelming. Now, invest in your life and have a remarkable future!
Your Sessions will Include:
• Email correspondence in-between sessions.
• All sessions are 100% guaranteed confidential.
• All sessions are devoted to issues concerning your deepest needs and requests, including unconscious ones.
• Onye starts his healing prayers before the session commences. Even when the sessions ends, sometimes he can receive further revelations on your behalf.
Standard Sessions you can schedule online:
• 45 minute session where Onye answers simple, practical questions $195
• 90 minute in-depth session $290
You can pay with buttons below or better, go to the "Book Online" page.
Schedule a Complimentary Conversation with Onye
“Sow your seeds wisely, rejoice abundantly and indefinitely!”
– Onye Onyemaechi
Payment is expected prior to the provision of services. PayPal / credit card links are provided for client convenience. Cashier’s checks and cash also are accepted. Pay when you schedule (see button below) or pay any amount with the payment panels on this page. (Venmo available; call Onye to arrange).
*Cancellation requires 24 hour notice to not forfeit session fee.
There is additional charge for travel and expenses when appropriate.
Client agrees not to use any information provided to harm or defame others. Client understands that consultation and other services described on this site do not replace those of licensed medical doctors,
therapists, and other professions.